How Medical Lien Financing Can Help You Avoid Being Sued

While the dust may settle after an accident, the challenges an injured party will face is just beginning. The first hurdle a plaintiff will have to jump over is medical treatment. While some have the luxury of having insurance, according to the United States Census Bureau, there were approximately 28 million Americans without health insurance.

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And since then, that number has increased. That’s why medical care becomes one of the biggest challenges a person will face after an unexpected accident.

Avoid facing mountains of debt or getting sued by your medical provider by turning to the experts at OMNI Healthcare. Read further for information on how medical lien financing can help you.

Can a medical provider sue a patient for care received?

While medical providers have sworn an oath to provide medical care to those in need, they can’t pay for everyone to get unlimited medical care out of their own pockets.

Did you know that a hospital or medical provider can sue you for medical bills owed? It’s true. A hospital is a legal entity that is operating fully within its rights to sue individuals and other entities for unpaid medical care.

How can medical lien financing help you avoid being sued?

At OMNI Healthcare, we understand how stressful an accident can be. But we don’t believe that you should have to continue to stress about how you’re going to pay for your expenses, especially when it comes to your medical bills. That’s why we offer medical lien financing.

Medical lien financing is designed to help those who are uninsured gain access to the medical care they need and deserve before their case settles. By working with medical providers such as chiropractors and hospitals, we are able to inherit a plaintiff’s burden by taking over the medical entity’s medical lien portfolio. The doctors get paid for the care they’ve provided and the plaintiffs, or injured party, gets medical care, and then everyone’s happy.

What will medical lien financing cover?

OMNI Healthcare is proud to have access to a network of 2,000 healthcare facilities across the country. We work with them to ensure you get the medical care you need when you need it most. If you’re dealing with an active personal injury case or workers’ compensation claim, we can help you pay for:

  • Chiropractic care
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery procedures
  • Diagnostic imaging
  • Other medical care

All of your medical bills and care that fall under these categories related to your personal injury claim will be covered by the pre-settlement cash we provide.

Avoid the courtroom by talking to our medical lien experts

Don’t stress about how you’re going to pay for your medical bills after an accident. Instead, put your trust in the medical lien experts at OMNI Healthcare. We’ll work with your attorney and analyze our database of medical lien portfolios to determine how much your medical bills are going to cost and provide you with pre-settlement cash. Once your case is complete, we’ll coordinate with your lawyer to obtain a partial reimbursement.

For more information on getting medical lien financing, contact OMNI Healthcare today!

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